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PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览(4)

发表时间:2015-03-06 12:17 来源:未知 作者:翼风  我要评论

Anna's Diary (安娜的日记) Use [Anna's Key] obtained from her dress to search her room.There must be something out of place in there. Anna's room is on the second floor. 使用安娜裙子里找到的“安娜的钥

PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览

Anna's Diary (安娜的日记) Use [Anna's Key] obtained from her dress to search her room.There must be something out of place in there. Anna's room is on the second floor.
使用安娜裙子里找到的“安娜的钥匙”来搜索她的房间。那里一定有什么发现。安娜的房间在二层。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Engagement Ring (订婚戒指) Delivery Man Q is probably Quint.He may well have some important evidence concerning the case.Give Becky's [Engagement Ring] to him and he may tell you the truth.
快递员Q大概是昆特。他可能持有本案的重要证据。将贝奇的“订婚戒指”交给他,他或许会把真相告诉你。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Top Rank (第一名) Use the [Dart Gun] to play the darts game and defeat Richard's long standing top score.
使用“飞镖枪”来进行飞镖游戏,并打破理查德长年保持的最高纪录。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 The Beauty (美女) Polly has a precious piece of "memorabilia" somewhere in the hotel.Find it and give it to her. Not to be rude, but memory deteriorates with age.You might want to check her room...
宾馆里的某处似乎有波莉的“充满回忆的物品”。找到并交给她。恕我直言,年纪大了记忆力就是不行了。你或许想去查查她的房间…… PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Medical Studies (医学学习) Fiona, in the hospital, has given you a quiz on medical matters.Get three correct answers in a row to clear it. Why not give it a try?
医院里的菲奥娜给你提出医学问题。连续答对3问就能过关。为什么不去试试呢? PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Special Service (特殊服务) Gina, at Heaven & Hell Gas, will perform a special service if you use the carwash a certain number of times.Why not check it out? I wouldn't get your hopes up, though...
当你在天堂地狱加油站洗车达到一定次数之后,吉娜会问你是否需要特殊服务。为什么不试试呢?不过我不保证那是你所想的那样…… PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Benjamin Franklin (本杰明-富兰克林) Jack, at Heaven & Hell Gas, wants $100 bills. Hey, don't we all? However,if you give him more than $1000 he'll supposedly give you some really big info. For the investigation, then...!
天堂地狱加油站的杰克想跟你要100美元。虽然很不爽,但你如果给他超过1000美元,他会提供非常重要的信息。虽然很不爽…… PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Beginner Collector (新手收集者) Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector.Show him your own collection. 8 cards will get you a "small thank you."His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过8张的话他会给你一个“小小的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Amateur Collector (业余收集者) Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector.Show him your own collection. 16 cards will get you a "moderate thank you."His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过16张的话他会给你一个“还行的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Normal Collector (普通收集者) Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 32 cards will get you a "big thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过32张的话他会给你一个“愉悦的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Great Collector (伟大的收集者) Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 48 cards will get you a "rare thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
熊猫熊商店的维斯利在收集集换卡。把你的收集给他看,如果超过48张的话他会给你一个“稀有的礼物”。他的店通常于20:00到06:00营业。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Top Collector (收集者之王) Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda Bear, is an avid trading card collector. Show him your own collection. 64 cards will get you a "super rare thank you." His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
















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