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PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览(2)

发表时间:2015-03-06 12:17 来源:未知 作者:翼风  我要评论

Lost Arnold (丢失的阿诺德) George has lost his beloved [Arnold] somewhere in the Sheriff's Office.He can't train without him! Find what he's looking for and get it back to him.Help him get his groove
PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Lost Arnold (丢失的阿诺德) George has lost his beloved [Arnold] somewhere in the Sheriff's Office.He can't train without him! Find what he's looking for and get it back to him.Help him get his groove back.
乔治把他珍贵的“阿诺德”在保安室弄丢了。他不能没有他!找到“阿诺德”并交给乔治,他会恢复常态的。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Nameless Flower (无名花朵) George's mother is sick and so he wants to get her favorite flower for her.Find the [Flower with No Name] that only blooms in the rain and take it to George when he's at home after 21:00.
乔治的母亲病了,因此他想把她最爱的花送给她。找到那朵仅在雨天开放的“无名花朵”并交给乔治。他通常于21时在家。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Nice Try Cooking (烹饪努力奖) Emily only ever cooks at home on evenings when it is raining.Find the "Fermented Dairy Products" that she needs for her next dish and help her out.
艾米莉只有在下着雨的傍晚才会烹饪。为了帮助她烹饪,找到合适的“发酵的乳制品”并交给她。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Another Nice Try Cooking (烹饪落选奖) Emily only ever cooks at home on evenings when it is raining.Find the "Vegetables that become sweet when heated" that she needs for her next dish and help her out.
艾米莉只有在下着雨的傍晚才会烹饪。为了帮助她烹饪,找到“一加热就变甜的蔬菜”并交给她。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Memorable Cooking (回忆中的菜品) Find the "Something chewy and salty" "something soft with two colors" "Yellow Sauce" that Emily needs for her next dish and help her out.
为了帮助艾米莉烹饪,找到“咸而有嚼头的东西”、“软而有两种颜色的东西”和“黄酱汁”并交给她。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Unwanted Customer (不受欢迎的客人) A customer at the Galaxy of Terror has practically been stalking Carol, causing trouble for her.Drive off this "Unwanted Customer" who comes to the bar after 21:00.
恐怖银河有一位客人总是缠着凯罗尔,让她很困扰。赶走这位21:00出现的“不受欢迎的客人”。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Periodic Riddle (元素周期表谜题) Ushah has been given a "riddle" from Fiona that uses elemental symbols, but has no idea what the answer is.This doesn't seem related to the case...but why not help him find the answer?
阿西亚被菲奥娜出的元素符号题给难住了。虽然这看上去和本案无关……不过还是把答案告诉他吧。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Snack for Willie (维利的点心) Willie has nabbed a [Bone] uncovered in the course the investigation.It could be important evidence.Get the [Bone] back from Willie's kennel in the back of Kaysen's car.
维利把搜查过程中获得的“骨头”给弄走了。这可能是重要的证物,从凯森的车子后面的维利的小屋里取回“骨头”。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Someone in the Forest (林中人影) Someone is walking in Anna's forest in the early afternoon, when the weather is clear. Give this person the [Out of Focus Picture]. Let the twins know once you have found out who the "ghost" is.
在天气晴朗的早些时候,有人在一个下午行走在安娜的树林里。找到那个人并出示“模糊照片”。告知双胞胎你已经知道“幽灵”究竟是什么人了。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Legendary Tabatha (传说之鱼塔巴沙) You'll never catch [Tabatha] with your current fishing rod. Borrow the legendary fishing rod from Jim and try again. [Tabatha] appears near the waterfall only on rainy days.
你无法用现有的鱼竿钓到“塔巴沙”。到健身房借来传说之钓具再来挑战。“塔巴沙”通常只出现在雨天的瀑布附近的钓鱼点。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Map to Psychic Spot A (闹鬼区域A的地图) "Cope's Tunnel" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn.Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there.
从Milk Barn的吉斯那里买到标记着“克普的隧道”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Map to Psychic Spot B (闹鬼区域B的地图) "The scene of a railway accident" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn.Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there.
从Milk Barn的吉斯那里买到标记着“火车事故现场”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。
















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