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PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览(3)

发表时间:2015-03-06 12:17 来源:未知 作者:翼风  我要评论

Map to Psychic Spot C (闹鬼区域C的地图) "The GV Electrical Substation" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn. Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" chall
PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Map to Psychic Spot C (闹鬼区域C的地图) "The GV Electrical Substation" is marked on a suspicious map purchased from Keith at the Milk Barn. Go to the marked location and clear the "Other World" challenge there.
从Milk Barn的吉斯那里买到标记着“GV中央变电所”的闹鬼区域地图。去地图上标记的位置并完成“那个世界”的挑战。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 The Bond Between Men (男子汉的交情) Quietly return the [Legendary Guitar Grecotch] to Keith when he is working at the Milk Barn.This could be the start of a lasting friendship.
把“传说中的吉他Grecotch”偷偷还给正在 Milk Barn干活的吉斯。这或许会促成一段男子汉的交情。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Part Time Job 1 (打工之一) Lilly has given you part-time work tidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around. The Milk Barn is only open when the weather is nice.Lunch break included!
莉莉委托你清理Milk Barn的仓库,推箱子清理仓库空间。Milk Barn只在天气好的时候营业,还附带免费工作午餐! PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Part Time Job 2 (打工之二) Lilly has given you more part-time work tidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around. Didn't you take care of this just a short while ago? What are they doing in there?
莉莉再次委托你清理Milk Barn的仓库,推箱子清理仓库空间。之前不是刚刚清理过吗?他们到底在那里做了什么不得了的事啊? PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Part Time Job 3 (打工之三) Lilly has given you further part-time work tidying up the Milk Barn's storeroom by pushing the boxes around.Honestly, they can't even be trying to keep it tidy in there!
莉莉又一次委托你清理Milk Barn的仓库,推箱子清理仓库空间。说老实话,他们肯定没想过要保持那里的整洁。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 The Legendary Guitar (传说中的吉他) Use the [Key for Closet] obtained from Lilly for your hard work to open the closet in Keith's garage.He should be home in the afternoons on rainy days.
使用帮莉莉干活获得的“柜子钥匙”打开吉斯车库里的柜子。雨天的午后他在家,去拜访他吧。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Greenvale Trivia (Greenvale猜谜) Talk to Harry while he is at home and he'll give you a quiz on Greenvale. Get three correct answers in a row to clear it. Why not give it a try?
当哈里在家时,与他对话可以参加Greenvale猜谜游戏。连续答对3问即可过关。你为何不去试试呢? PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Incomplete Treasure (未完成的宝物) Michael says he had lost a "most precious object" while he was at the diner. Find it and give it back to him.He is at home between 21:00 and 22:30.Talk to him when Harry isn't there.
迈克说他在用餐时丢失了一件“最重要的东西”。帮他找回来吧。他通常21:00到22:30在家。当哈里不在的时候与他对话吧。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Nick's Letter (尼克的信) Nick, in prison, has asked you to take a letter to Olivia for him.She's holed herself up at home, so take the [Letter from Nick] to her.
拘留所里的尼克拜托你给奥利维亚捎一封信。她现在闭门不出,将“尼克的信”交给她吧。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Big Bag (大包裹) Something important is hidden in the Diner's kitchen. Use the [Key to Back Door of Diner] received from Nick to get inside after hours and continue the investigation.
餐厅的厨房里似乎藏着什么重要的东西。使用尼克提供的“餐厅后门钥匙”潜入搜查。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 A Return to Better Things (打是亲骂是爱) Having obtained the [Letter from Olivia] containing her heartfelt feelings,take it to Nick in his holding cell and put his mind at ease.
将写满真心话的“奥利维亚的信”交给拘留所里的尼克,让他放心。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览 Where's the Dress! (裙子呢!) Anna's mother Sallie is searching for [Anna's Dress].Find the dress somewhere in Anna's house and give it to Sallie.
安娜的母亲萨利正在找“安娜的裙子”。在安娜家里找到裙子并交给萨利。 PS3 《致命预感:导演剪辑版》中文奖杯一览
















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