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《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用(3)

发表时间:2010-11-17 14:13 来源:duowan 作者:daer  我要评论

得到条件 :搜索Sepulcro处的箱子,在墓地的东南角。 完成the Poppycock Stranger's task 陌生人支线。 在Chuparosa完成一个驯马工作。 完成the Love is the Opiate Stranger's task陌生人支线。 在Torquenada赢一次

  完成the Poppycock Stranger's task 陌生人支线。


  完成the Love is the Opiate Stranger's task陌生人支线。



  注意:只有在完成了任务An Appointed Time后才能得到。

  (十)Rancher Outfit: Marston's typical attire when tending the ranch at Beecher's Hope. No additional benefits.

  Rancher Outfit:牧场装,没有特殊作用。

  It can be obtained after completing the gameplay mission, The Outlaw's Return.

  At the end of the mission, Marston's default clothing become the Rancher Outfit. For several gameplay missions, Marston cannot change his outfit.

  得到条件:完成任务The Outlaw's Return,就可以得到了。


  (十一)Treasure Hunter Outfit: Treasure Hunters consider you a friend until you take aggressive action.

  Treasure Hunter Outfit:宝藏猎人装,穿上后宝藏猎人会视你为朋友,除非你作出不友好举动。

《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用

  It has been agreed this outfit, while without any active bonuses, does ensure the Treasure Hunters consider the player a friend. Any hostile/aggressive act toward them will remove this effect, however.

  Scrap 1: Search Silent Stead. (In a container in a small house just northwest of the intersection at Silent Stead)

  Scrap 2: Complete "California" Stranger's task. (Sam Odesa located directly north of The Scratchin Post passed rail road just shy of heavy black line west of where it dips)

  Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.

  Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive.

  Scrap 5: Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout.

  Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves Landing (bought for $250).

  得到条件:搜索Silent Stead处的箱子,在十字路口西北处的一个小房子里。

  完成 "California" Stranger's task陌生人支线。

  在Rathskeller Fork玩扑克21点Blackjack盈利。

  活捉一个Treasure Hunter宝藏猎人通缉犯。

  清除Gaptooth Breach Hideout的土匪窝点 。

  在Thieves Landing的裁缝店tailor买到。

  (十二)US Army Outfit: Makes you look like an enlisted US Army man, but doesn't fool anyone.

  US Army Outfit:美国陆军制服,穿上后伪装成军人,警察会对你尊敬。

  Scrap 1: In Aurora Basin, inside a cabin on the small lake

  Scrap 2: Win at Arm Wrestling in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp

  Scrap 3: Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker in Blackwater

  Scrap 4: Successfully complete the "Lights, Camera, Action" Stranger's task

  Scrap 5: Successfully complete a Nightwatch job in Blackwater

  Scrap 6: Purchase from the tailor in Blackwater

  Bugs Due to a glitch on the PS3 version of the game, Poker in Blackwater can glitch making this outfit impossible to obtain. Can happen on the 360 as well.

  得到条件:在Aurora Basin,进入小湖上的小屋。

  在Pacific Union Railroad Camp赢一次掰手腕游戏。


  完成"Lights, Camera, Action"陌生人支线。




  (十三)Bureau Uniform: Acquired upon reaching 100% game completion. Dress like a federal bureau agent and the law won't be able to touch you (complete amnesty from the law).

  Bureau Uniform:FBI特工服,穿上后完全凌驾于法律之上,法律已经阻止不了你了,你可以无法无天了,没有任何人会追究你。

《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用

  Bureau Uniform is gained after 100% completion of the game. Bureau Uniform grants you complete amnesty from U.S law.

















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