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《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用(2)

发表时间:2010-11-17 14:13 来源:duowan 作者:daer  我要评论

(六)Deputy Outfit: Dressing as a Marshal has people treating you as part of the law. US Law posses and Marshals won't pursue you. Acquired by completing all US gang hideouts in a single 24 hour peri
(六)Deputy Outfit: Dressing as a Marshal has people treating you as part of the law. US Law posses and Marshals won't pursue you. Acquired by completing all US gang hideouts in a single 24 hour period.

  Deputy Outfit:警服,穿上后执法人员不会追捕你。

《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用

  Wear the US Marshals outfit and the player will be considered part of law enforcement in the United States, and will not be pursued by American lawmen and posses.

  the player must complete gameplay mission The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed. After this mission is completed, the outfit will be discovered and the player must then Complete all 5 US gang hideouts in a single 24-hour period of in-game time.

  得到方法:在完成任务The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed之后,在24小时(游戏里时间)内清除所有5个美国帮派藏身地点。

  (七)Bollard Twins Outfit: Bollard Twins gang members consider you a friend until you take aggressive action. This consists of the Cowboy Outfit with leather chaps and a red scarf.

  Bollard Twins Outfit:Bollard Twins帮派装,Bollard Twins帮会视你为朋友,除非你作出不友好举动。

《荒野大镖客 赎罪》十三套服装取得条件及作用

  You can find it by looting the bodies in the mission Justice in Pike's Basin.

  After finding the outfit you must complete a series of objectives before it is wearable by the player.

  Scrap 1: Search Thieves' Landing ( is at Thieves' Landing in the large storehouse by the pier. It's up a set of stairs, in a chest)

  Scrap 2: Complete a Nightwatch job in MacFarlane's Ranch

  Scrap 3: Win at Horseshoes in MacFarlane's Ranch

  Scrap 4: Claim a Bollard Twins Gang Bounty alive

  Scrap 5: Defend residents of Hennigan's Stead from the Bollard Twins Gang

  Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves' Landing (can be bought for $100)

  得到条件:在Justice in Pike's Basin任务中搜一个敌人的身。然后完成以下项目。

  搜索Thieves' Landing处的箱子,在码头附近一个大仓库的二楼房间里。

  在MacFarlane's Ranch完成一个夜巡工作。

  在MacFarlane's Ranch赢一次丢马掌比赛。

  活捉一个Bollard Twins帮派通缉犯。

  在Hennigan's Stead抵抗一次Bollard Twins帮的抢劫进攻。

  在Thieves' Landing的裁缝店tailor买到衣服。

  (八)Mexican Poncho: A musty old poncho. A souvenir of your travels in Mexico. No added bonus when wearing this outfit.

  Mexican Poncho:墨西哥披风,没有特殊作用。看过镖客三部曲的朋友一定认得这个克林特*伊斯特伍德的经典服装。

  To obtain you must buy a Hideout in Mexico,This outfit is attained upon purchasing the safehouse in Mexico.

















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