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发表时间:2011-02-28 15:20 来源:cngba 作者:daer  我要评论






PS3 Error codes 英语原文 中文翻译

80029945 Can’t playback burn BDr movie 不能播放烧录格式蓝光影碟

710102 DNS Error; No DSN server available DNS错误,没有可用的DSN服务器

8013030 System Error due to failed update download 系统错误由于没有更新下载

80010001 Major Error,Game ability stopped 严重错误,游戏功能停止

80010017 Can\'t start Blueray Game 无法启动蓝光格式游戏

80010510 Will not play hard drive games - Cause unknown 不能启动已安装硬盘的游戏(注:cause unknown意思为原因不明)

80010516 An error occured during the start operation; Ps1 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly,ps1 game inserted again 启动操作错误-把PS1游戏重新入盘

80029023 Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out 关键讯息交流超时

80029024 "Cannot Obtain an IP address" 无法获取IP地址

80029564 Downloaded Game will not install - Cause unknown 已下载游戏檔不能安装

80030920 An error occurred during the copy operation. The file may be corrupt or there isnt enough memory. Try copying data from original source 复制原文件以及存取其数据时的操作发生错误,该文件已损坏或是储存空间不足

80031150 System Settings Fail to Save - Possible Blue Screen "Setting information is corrupted.Press the x button to repair and restore default" 更改系统设定时不能储存或变更,按X键退出(注:错误可能导致出现蓝屏)

80031601 Error Creating Account 账号创建错误

80130203 PS3 connects to internet but not to network - Typically means that the required ports are not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet PS3连接到互联网而不是连至网络-需要打开所需端口(注:上述network应该是说PSN)

80410418 DNS Error DNS错误

80710016 Playstation Network is down Playstation网络当掉(注:不是关闭,是当掉,情况比较负面)

80710092 "An error has occured. you\'ve been signed out from the ps network" (connection dropped?发生错误,你已强制注销PS network)连接力下降?(注:貌似封包接收与传送率降低所引致)

80710101 Conneciton (原文错别字,应该是connection)error 连接错误

80710102 IP conflict,PS3 Cannot connect to the router with current IP information - Try rebooting your router IP冲突,PS3无法连接/取得路由器IP讯息-尝试重启路由器

80710541 The connection to the server timed out. ssthe x button to repair and restore default"(那个ss啥意思?) 连接服务器超时,按X按键退出

80710723 Possible Port Error - Try opening ports,TCP port: 80,443,5223 and UDP port: 3478,3479,3658. or add Ps3 to DMZ 可能位于端口错误,尝试开放端口,TCP port: 80,443,5223 and UDP port: 3478,3479,3658. 或添加PS3至DMZ(注:DMZ;此为服务器与客户间的一个隔离区/缓冲区,通常是一个过滤用的子网)

81019002 Error copying saves from location A to location B not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet (注:看似简单实则深奥的句子,为免误人子弟,等待高手翻译)

8001050B Will not play demo hard drive games,when blue-ray disc is inserted - Cause unknown 已安装过和已放入蓝光格式光盘时,不能播放有关演示(注:演示也播放不到,那光盘还能读吗?)

8001050D An error occured during the start operation; Ps3 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - ps3 game inserted again 启动操作错误,把PS3游戏重新入盘

80028EA5 Unknown?? User cannot connect to PS3 network. Sony told the user to send the machine in PS3用户不能连接网络,官方通知用户主机回厂(注:联络客服吧)

80028ea6 Connection error,Possible Proxy error power cord. Then shut off your modem/router,for about 5 mintues,then turn the modem back up first and let it sync,then turn the router back on(if using one) and let it sycn. Reconnect your power cable and flip the back swtich up again. Then make a new network connnection 连接错误,关闭有关网络设备,5分钟后重启,建议把电源一并拔掉

80028F10 Go to Display Settings then HDMI (or whatever your connection is) and choose Automactic 视频设定里HDMI选项里选自动/自定义

80028f17 Ps2 disc Boot Error,An error occured during the start operation; Ps2 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - Backup ps2 game inserted again (ps3rips) PS2光盘启动错误-备份PS2游戏再次入盘

80028F18 Ps2 Disc Error,unsupported disc; eg. Utility discs,BB disc,IQ Remix game etc. ode) PS2光盘错误,不支持的光盘规格;举例.工具光盘,学术交流版(散装光盘),娱乐用光盘等等)(注:ode为微分方程)
















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