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发布时间:2013-11-15 23:48 来源:网络 作者:翼风 [我要评论]

转一个nogripracing上的shift2解决延迟的方法 用shift1的sharptire mod里面的dinput8.dll 文件,拷到shift2主目录底下就可以了,延迟几乎没有,但是方向盘可能会

用shift1的sharptire mod里面的dinput8.dll 文件,拷到shift2主目录底下就可以了,延迟几乎没有,但是方向盘可能会有一点抖动,跟在shift1里一样

经测试效果很不错,开m3 e30可以很暴力很over
我用的是sharp tire 5.03的dinput8.dll,其他文件不需要。



There could be a solution for the input lag issue. At least it improves things a lot with me.

Get the Sharp mod from Juls, copy and paste controller default folder in your game directory. It's actually the same as Shift1 (as far as I know, to confirm). Copy and paste dinput8.dll too.

I have solution for pads (input lag). You have to edit DampeningEnabled="1" string to "0" in vehicleset_pc_custom_pad.xml and reselect controller scheme in game (to custom pad of course). Now setup deadzones and sensitivity and you are good to go no more input lags, tested by me on ps2 dualshock pad