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GBA 《游戏王-永恒斗士之魂》卡片密码(2)

发表时间:2013-11-15 23:48 来源:未知 作者:翼风  我要评论

Dust Tornado: 60082869 Earthshaker: 60866277 Eatgaboon: 42578427 Eldeen: 06367785 Electric Lizard: 55875323 Electric Snake: 11324436 Electro-Whip: 37820550 Elegant Egotist: 90219263 Elf's Light: 3989

Dust Tornado: 60082869
Earthshaker: 60866277
Eatgaboon: 42578427
Eldeen: 06367785
Electric Lizard: 55875323
Electric Snake: 11324436
Electro-Whip: 37820550
Elegant Egotist: 90219263
Elf's Light: 39897277
Empress Judge: 15237615
Enchanted Javelin: 96355986
Enchanting Mermaid: 75376965
Eradicating Aerosol: 94716515
Eternal Draught: 56606928
Eternal Rest: 95051344
Exchange: 05556668
Exile of the Wicked: 26725158
Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948
Eyearmor: 64511793
Fairy Dragon: 20315854
Fairy's Hand Mirror: 17653779
Fairywitch: 37160778
Faith Bird: 75582395
Fake Trap: 03027001
Feral Imp: 41392891
Fiend Kraken: 77456781
Fiend Reflection #1: 68870276
Fiend Reflection #2: 02863439
Fiend Sword: 22855882
Fiend's Hand: 52800428
Final Flame: 73134081

re Kraken: 46534755
Fire Reaper: 53581214
Firegrass: 53293545
Fireyarou: 71407486
Fissure: 66788016
Flame Cerebrus: 60862676
Flame Champion: 42599677
Flame Ghost: 58528964
Flame Manipulator: 34460851
Flame Swordsman: 45231177
Flame Viper: 02830619
Flash Assailant: 96890582
Flower Wolf: 95952802
Flying Kamakiri #1: 84834865
Flying Kamakiri #2: 03134241
Follow Wind: 98252586
Forced Requisition: 74923978
Forest: 87430998
Frenzied Panda: 98818516
Fusion Sage: 26902560
Fusionist: 01641882
Gaia Power: 56594520
Gaia the Dragon Champion: 66889139
Gaia The Fierce Knight: 06368038
Gale Dogra: 16229315
Gamma The Magnet Warrior: 11549357
Ganigumo: 34536276
Garma Sword: 90844184
Garma Sword Oath: 78577570
Garnecia Elefantis: 49888191
Garoozis: 14977074
Garvas: 69780745
Gatekeeper: 19737320
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts: 05818798
Gemini Elf: 69140098
Genin: 49370026
Germ Infection: 24668830
Ghoul with an Appetite: 95265975
Giant Flea: 41762634
Giant Germ: 95178994
Giant Mech-Soldier: 72299832
Giant Rat: 97017120
Giant Red Seasnake: 58831685
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra: 41403766
Giant Soldier of Stone: 13039848
Giant Trunade: 42703248
Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames: 96981563
Gift of The Mystical Elf: 98299011
Giganto: 33621868
Giga-tech Wolf: 08471389
Giltia the D. Knight: 51828629
Goblin Fan: 04149689
Goblin's Secret Remedy: 11868825
Goddess of Whim: 67959180
Goddess with the Third Eye: 53493204
Gokibore: 15367030
Graceful Charity: 79571449
Graceful Dice: 74137509
Grappler: 02906250
Gravedigger Ghoul: 82542267
Gravekeeper's Servant: 16762927
Graverobber: 61705417
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation: 27094595
Great Bill: 55691901
Great Mammoth of Goldfine: 54622031
Great White: 13429800
Green Phantom King: 22910685
Greenkappa: 61831093
Griffore: 53829412
Griggle: 95744531
Ground Attacker Bugroth: 58314394
Gruesome Goo: 65623423
Gryphon Wing: 55608151
Guardian of the Labyrinth: 89272878
Guardian of the Sea: 85448931
Guardian of the Throne Room: 47879985
Gust: 73079365
Gust Fan: 55321970
Gyakutenno Megami: 31122090
Hane-Hane: 07089711
Haniwa: 84285623
Happy Lover: 99030164
Hard Armor: 20060230
Harpie Lady: 76812113
Harpie Lady Sisters: 12206212
Harpie's Brother: 30532390
Harpie's Feather Duster: 18144506
Harpie's Pet Dragon: 52040216
Heavy Storm: 19613556
Hercules Beetle: 52584282
Hero of the East: 89987208
Hibikime: 64501875
High Tide Gyojin: 54579801
Hinotama: 46130346
Hinotama Soul: 96851799
Hiro's Shadow Scout: 81863068
Hitodenchak: 46718686
Hitotsu-Me Giant: 76184692
Holograh: 10859908
Horn Imp: 69669405
Horn of Heaven: 98069388
Horn of Light: 38552107 <

BR>Horn of the Unicorn: 64047146
Hoshiningen: 67629977
Hourglass of Courage: 43530283
Hourglass of Life: 08783685
House of Adhesive Tape: 15083728
Hunter Spider: 80141480
Hyo: 38982356
Hyosube: 02118022
Hyozanryu: 62397231
Ice Water: 20848593
Ill Witch: 81686058
Illusionist Faceless Mage: 28546905
Imperial Order: 61740673
Insect Armor with Laser Cannon: 03492538
Insect Queen: 91512835
Insect Soldiers of the Sky: 07019529
Inspection: 16227556
Invader from Another Dimension: 28450915
Invader of the Throne: 03056267
Invigoration: 98374133
Jellyfish: 14851496
Jigen Bakudan: 90020065
Jinzo: 77585513
Jinzo #7: 32809211
Jirai Gumo: 94773007
Judge Man: 30113682
Just Desserts: 24068492
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame: 15401633
Kageningen: 80600490
Kairyu-Shin: 76634149
Kaiser Dragon: 94566432
Kamakiriman: 68928540
Kaminari Attack: 09653271

Kaminarikozou: 15510988
Kamionwizard: 41544074
Kanikabuto: 84103702
Karate Man: 23289281
Karbonala Warrior: 54541900
Kattapillar: 81179446
Key Mace #2: 20541432
Killer Needle: 88979991
King Fog: 84686841
King of Yamimakai: 69455834
















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