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生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

发表时间:2017-02-02 13:52 来源:17173游戏网 作者:翼风  我要评论

今天,卡普空的恐怖生存新作《生化危机7》正式上市,除了PS4和PC版之外,《生化危机7》还支持PS VR版本,让玩家可以在VR的世界里获得最佳的沉浸感。仅仅一天时间,多家外媒就对《生化危机7(Resident Evil 7)》VR

今天,卡普空的恐怖生存新作《生化危机7》正式上市,除了PS4和PC版之外,《生化危机7》还支持PS VR版本,让玩家可以在VR的世界里获得最佳的沉浸感。仅仅一天时间,多家外媒就对《生化危机7(Resident Evil 7)》VR进行了点评,结果普遍给该作打出了相当高的总评,但在VR中也有一些问题,下面我们就来一起来看看吧。

生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题



行业评测:86/100 玩家评测:7.6/10

生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题



生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

Resident Evil 7’s PlayStation VR support is imperfect, but quietly gripping. The game’s heavy-footed character movement and preference for smaller-scale, one-on-one encounters help it stave off the disorientation and queasiness that often go hand-in-hand with VR

Game Informer – 8.5

PS VR版本的《生化危机7》可以体验到和普通版本相同的剧情故事。但目前VR版本还有一些问题。除非你是站着玩并且时不时的转动你的身体,否则坐着玩最好的方式就是使用初始角度进行转向,意味着你你每次使用摇杆只能旋转大概30度角。

The PlayStation 4 version is equipped with PlayStation VR functionality, allowing players to experience the same game from a more intimate perspective. As much as I enjoyed seeing this world up close and personal (not to mention aiming through head tracking), the VR integration is riddled with issues. Unless you play the game from a standing position to manually turn your body, your best option from the sitting position is to use set angles for turning – meaning your character turns 30 degrees each time the analog stick is tapped.

生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

Polygon – 9


生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

The main issue I encountered while playing Resident Evil 7 in VR was a pretty common one for the technology: It made me extremely dizzy. Moving in the game while standing still in real life was a disorienting process. Beyond that, I found specific visuals in the game much darker and muddier in VR. For example, a photo I picked up and examined looked totally normal in the regular game, but was impossible to make out in the added darkness of the PlayStation VR headset.

IGN – 7.7


生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

VR definitely makes the Resident Evil 7 experience very different, and I did enjoy my time roaming the eerie Dulvey property up close and personal, but it is not necessarily the superior option. The one area where VR does significantly improve the gameplay experience is combat: because you move your crosshair by looking around, VR makes landing headshots on enemies much easier than it is on a gamepad.



生化危机7VR外媒评测: 恐怖升级但还存在问题

















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