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成长家园 1号-2号升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

成长家园 1号-2号升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版













- 在Jetpack的燃料栏将在过场动画,如果它使用了序列触发之前显示
- MEEP成就不与黑MEEP工作
- 游戏不能立即保存后继续
- 营养岛UI继续目标1后显示完成
- 循环干扰效应存在,当角色位于一个telerouter,同时具有垂直同步关闭
- 用户将一个瞬移后失去控制功能,在暂停菜单
- 金星在毛皮不计黑MEEP
- 喷气包燃料栏会出现在电影片尾
- fps值下降到?15日在暂停菜单,如果用户触发的喷气背包在telerouter访问菜单前
- 用户被告知,新的皮肤可用,即使他已经在上一次有它保存
- 当他用一个滑翔机或菊花降落伞人物的背包中消失。
- 当选择退出选项与鼠标ALT + TAB行动以主菜单加载屏幕期间取得了之后,游戏崩溃。
- 当黛西降落伞使用不正确的摄像机移动会被注意到。
- 声音播放时的种子被传在第一目标的端部是非常低的。
- 用户被告知,新的皮肤可用,即使他已经在上一次保存有它。
- 结束cutcene触发前一秒钟出现忍者皮肤消息。
- 缺少摄像头的碰撞与地面的时候角色保持菊花降落伞。
- 用户不能选择一个位置来瞬移BUD当在保存完成比赛结束后继续进行。
- 控制器将失去其功能,如果高度标记BUD或星工厂被点击鼠标。
- 禁用垂直同步,以解决球员口吃的问题。
- 瀑布的声音被中断。
- 开启SFX卷时到最大后,这是静音,比赛重新开始失踪Jetpack的声音。
- 植物没有拖动的声音。
- 相机会通过岩石的质地,同时试图收集位于岛上的瀑布下的结晶。
- 毛刺声音将重叠部分瀑布岛,如果用户在使用喷气背包触发它提供的过场动画。
- 该Snarkgrass不计的五个一天的成就。
- 羊可能会卡在telerouter横梁。
- 用户能够瞬间移动telerouter。
- 为星工厂的指示灯,当植物达到2000米无法正确显示。
- 巴德和青苗的高度可以手动拖动暂停菜单上。
- 如果NG +尚未接受无种子UI出现。
- 日夜循环似乎是随机的。
- Telerouter UI重叠学分。
- 种子不会瞬移,如果用户试图瞬移从同一telerouter第二种子暂停菜单将失去功能。
- 当角色接近他们的有弹性的叶子可能会下降。
- 增长命中UI音频在第一次打的过场动画开始播放多次。
- 水晶%是错误的0时收集。
- 欧洲防风不扫描。
- 无音频采种UI。
- 高度标记不出现暂停菜单上。
- 仙人掌是太大,轻松扫描。
- 植物没有动物内脏的声音。
- 如果下方洞岛的一个分支连接到营养石头放在岛上面的游戏无法完成。
- 错位的用户界面在音频/视频菜单。


Update 2: Fixes

- The Jetpack fuel bar will be displayed during cutcenes if it's used before the
sequences are triggered

- Meep achievements do not work with the Black Meep

- Game cannot be immediately continued after saving

- Nutrient Island UI continues to display after objective 1 is completed

- Looping glitch effect present when the character is located in a telerouter
while having VSync off

- The user will lose controller functionality in the Pause Menu after a teleport

- Venus in Furs does not count the black meep

- Jet Pack fuel bar will be present during the credits cinematic

- The FPS value drops to ~15 in Pause Menu if the user triggers the Jet Pack in
the telerouter before accessing the menu

- User is informed that a new skin is available even though he already has it
from a previous save

Update 1: Fixes

- The character's backpack disappears when he uses a Glider or a Daisy

- Game crashes when Quit option is selected with the Mouse after ALT+TAB action
was made during the loading screen towards Main Menu.

- Incorrect camera movement will be noticed when the Daisy parachute is used.

- The sound played when the seed is teleported at the end of the first objective
is very low.

- User is informed that a new skin is available even though he already has it
from a previous save.

- The Ninja skin message appears for a second before the end cutcene is

- Missing camera collision with the ground when the character holds a daisy

- The user cannot choose a location to teleport B.U.D. when the save is
continued after finishing the game.

- Controller will lose its functionality if the height markers for BUD or Star
Plant are clicked with the mouse.

- Disable VSynch to solve players stuttering issues.

- The waterfall sound gets interrupted.

- Missing jetpack sound when turning the SFX volume to maximum after it was
muted and the game restarted.

- Plants do not have drag sounds.

- The camera will go through the rock texture while trying to collect the
crystals located under the waterfall island.

- Glitch sound will overlap the cutscene where the waterfall island is presented
if the user triggers it while using the jet pack.

- The Snarkgrass doesn't count for the Five a day achievement.

- Sheep can get stuck in telerouter beams.

- The user is able to teleport a telerouter.

- The indicator for the Star Plant isn't displayed correctly when the plant
reached 2000m.

- BUD and Beanstalk heights can be manually dragged on the pause menu.

- No seed UI appears if NG+ has not been accepted.

- Day & night cycle appears to be random.

- Telerouter UI overlaps credits.

- The seed won't teleport and the Pause Menu will lose functionality if the user
tries to teleport a second seed from the same telerouter.

- The bouncy leaves may fall when the character approaches them.

- Growth hit UI audio plays multiple times at the start of first hit cutscene.

- Crystal % is misplaced when 0 are collected.

- Parsnip does not scan.

- No audio for seed collection UI.

- Height markers do not appear on the pause menu.

- Cactus is too large for easy scanning.

- Plants do not have pluck sounds.

- The game cannot be completed if a branch located below Cave Island is
connected to a nutrient rock placed above the Island.

- Misplaced UI in Audio / Video menu.

by BAT


补丁名称:成长家园 1号-2号升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版



英文名称:Grow Home

